Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Been over two weeks :(

I know it's been a long time since I have posted, but I have been out of commission since 2 weeks ago tomorrow.  I stretched after waking up that Wednesday and something in my back popped.  OUCH!!!  Well needless to say I haven't exercised besides the stretches the Chiropractor gave me.  I have been to see the Chiro about 5 times and I am alot better.  He seems to think I have a bulging disk at my L5 or S1 vertebrae.  He also said that about 75% of the population have bulging disks but don't have alot of pain unless they are having a flare up.  I am hoping to get back to exercising slowly in the next few days.... In the meantime I have some news......


Monday, March 26, 2012

Measuring and Weighing Food

So a show of hands out there.... How many of us actually weigh or measure our food?  Or are you more of a scooper and dumper on the plate?? I will admit I am a member of the fill your plate club which is why I need to lose weight.  So I dug my food scale out and have been weighing a few things such as chicken and pork to stay somewhere between 4-6oz.  But here is the thing... today I was fixing a bowl of cereal (Golden Graham's) G's favorite, and looked at the box and a serving is only 31 grams.  That's not a lot considering the plastic bowl when empty weighs 20 grams!  But I still only had a serving of cereal whereas I could easily ate 2 or 3!  I have no idea what we are gonna have for supper tonight either.  Stay tuned for Supper!

Toodles xoxox

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday sunday

So today was day 2 on the diet pills and day 3 of synthroid and the vitamins.  I cleaned the kitchen and living room!  Maybe my house will stay cleaner lol.  Ya'll who know me know i'm not much on cleaning though....

Anyways what I ate today was....
A grilled cheese sandwich for lunch
supper was 5 of those sister schubets mini rolls with the teeny little smokies in them with a mustard/m.whip sauce
supper #2 at work was so far a lean cuisine spaghetti and meatballs dinner with a 8oz coke.
I have a 100cal bag of popcorn and a pudding cup for a snack if I get hungry. 

I forgot to post yesterday that I did a 2 mile walk away the pounds video. I highly recommend those videos because you get a good workout fast.  It's not to hard on your knees and I am sore today even though when we walk outside we walk further and for a longer period of time I feel like I get a better workout with Leslie (the lady in the videos).

I also got a pedometer.  I finally wore it to work tonight.  I put it on right before I left and as of right now 1:53am I have walked a total of 3721 steps which equals 1.58 miles.  Thats alot of walking up and down my hallway don'tcha think?  Ya'll have a good night.  Back to work

Toodles xoxoxo

Saturday, March 24, 2012

food for thought

so I already posted on what I ate for lunch today.  6" turkey sub on honey oat bread from subway

I had a snack before starting work tonight consisting of a Nutri grain Bar and 20 Special K chips. BTW they are yummy and you get a lot for little calories. I drank 2 big glasses of water at work too.

So I worked a short shift tonight at work. After work tonight I had 5 chicken nuggets and a cheeseburger deluxe  from wendy's along with that famous honey mustard from O'Charley's.

And now I sit in bed drinking my ice water and G aka the hubs is eating a bowl of ice cream with caramel sauce that I do believe might be bigger than my head lol.  Good thing I am not to crazy about caramel :P

Toodles ya'll xoxoxo


Hi, my name is Katie and I am a slacker.....

Anyways onwards and forwards I suppose.. So I know its been over a week since I blogged and I am not gonna make any excuses.  I am not gonna make any excuses for the eating and non exercising I have been doing either.  So I figure, its a new day and I will just start over right?   

So I went to the doctor on Monday and had loads of bloodwork done.  Everything from a CBC(complete blood count) to a Protein S test (some members on dad's side have this).  Everything came back good even my A1C which I was worried about.  (3 month blood sugar test).  Well everything was good except my thyroid levels were off which I suspected.  The thyroid gland makes a hormone that helps with metabolism.  So mine is off on the sluggish side.  Can lead to hair loss(check), fatigue(check), weight gain(check).  So I am on a low dose of Synthroid 25mcg I will be retested in 2 months to see how my levels are.  The doc also perscribed me Phentermine which is an appetite suppressant and kinda like speed as well. I took these years ago and lost a lot of weight and kept it of 2 years after too.  So I started that today when I woke up.  I will admit I am a bit jittery and feel like I have butterflies in my stomach.  

So far today I have had a 6" turkey sub from Subway and a can of Mt Dew( caffeine could be leading to being jittery as well.  I am not a big caffeine drinker.)  Gonna go do a Walk away the Pounds dvd in a min since it is raining and I have a short night at work tonight so I don't know what supper will be. I do promise to do a better job of blogging as I know what I have to say is so riveting!  

Toodles xoxoxox

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Morning out there ya'll!  I'm almost done with my 3 night stretch at work so tomorrow is gonna be a sweating day for me and the hubs.  I guess we better go before I go to the dentist, I can almost already hear the drill.... :( Guess we will do a walking video because I think it's gonna rain all day.  Anyways for todays eating adventure we had.......  Pizza

I was on a cooking strike cause my butt was just to tired to even think about cooking supper.  And "G" thinks he can't cook. So I sent him out to Pizza hut for pizza.  I had 2 pieces they were square with 2 breadsticks and I did have 12 oz of Mt Dew, as I needed that jolt of caffeine to get me going. 

Tonight at work I had a WW roast beef dinner which is pretty good if I ignore the sodium content of the thing.  I am finishing it off with some sliced up strawberries with a bit of sugar for sweetness.  Ya'll have a good day today!  TGIF :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

hump day

Well it's Wednesday, well technically it's Thursday right now.  I've got my nurses hat on tonight, my 2nd of 3 in a row.  So no sweating to report on besides the steps I take running up and down the hall.  Foodwise I do have something to talk about..... dum dum dum

I drank a glass of milk this morning before I died in bed no food.
Supper tonight was a 6oz pork chop with lots of spices grilled on my grill pan that I got at my wedding shower (love it btw)
1/2 mashed potatoes
1tbs of that famous honey mustard that I love

so I get to work and the residents have been baking today.... there were 2 brownies ICED!!! on a plate.  I prayed they would be gone when I got a bit slowed down, alas there was one left.  SO. I. ATE. IT.  It was yummy too.  Well on my not so diet, I am not gonna deprive myself, where as before I might have ate BOTH of those brownies, I only ate the one.   Supper tonight at work was a lean cuisine and some strawberries with 2 packets of sugar on them.  I got a pudding for later if I am hungry, which I have a feeling I will be.  What did you all eat today??

Toodles xoxox